Local News

  • A former judge will spend the next 2 to 6 years in jail. [NYP]
  • The man who scaled the Times building will not be charged [NYP]
  • Tax changes threaten real estate projects like Atlantic Yards [NYT]
  • NYC has its first case of tomato salmonella poisoning [NYDN]
  • Bloomberg is giving away $60 million. Anonymous, officially [NYT]


  • Talks between Yahoo! and Microsoft crumbled [WSJ]
  • The blame game at Lehman Bros. rages on [NYT, Dealbook]
  • Hedge funder Bill Ackman is pushing Borders to sell to Amazon [NYT]
  • The hunt for Samuel Israel continues [NYT]
  • Billy Macklowe takes from his pop, Harry Macklowe [NYT]