Poor, Esteem-Challenged "Artists" Sought for Reality Show

If you're one of those ratty Brooklyn kids but are not blessed with the obligatory trust fund and you really, really want any tiny piece of fame, you're in luck. Casting agents for HD Gallery-which is a cable channel you might have-are looking for two artsy types willing to live by their wits and creative talents alone. "Art Race" will feature "Two Artist/Art Racers" who "must cross the US in 40 days, surviving only on Art. Armed with art materials, cameras and a $1 dollar budget, the Artist/Art Racers must 'trade' Art for food, shelter and other art-works."
Each contestant will be rewarded with a cool $20 grand, but that's not good enough for some people. One tipster notes: "ugh, you've got to be kidding me! the stupid fucks who take this up obvioulsy don't know that if you're a good artist with a good gallery, you can make 20K with one fucking piece, without having to starve and whore yourself across the fucking country[!]"