Giant-footed reptilian invader Paris Hilton is denying reports that only a few trannies auditioned be on her upcoming reality show. And, no, she's not counting little Scotty Mouthbreather. From her MySpace page (Sic, sic on all of this!): "And just to clear up any misinformation you may have heard, there are NO open calls for the show! Everyone they invite has applied thru the site and they've picked out the best contenders to interview. With so many applications to go thru they are trying their utmost best to read and contact everyone from the official casting application." [HollyScoop] Full silly blog post after the jump.

Hey there sexy boys and girls ;) Current mood: confident Hi Everyone, As you all know I've been traveling all month and am currently in London with Benji having an amazing time. I love London, it is definately one of my favorite cities in the world. We went shopping at Harrod's yesterday and had a blast, that store has everything! So much fun! In the meantime, I'm sooo looking forward to my new show which begins shooting next month. Loving the casting videos! Some of you have been so sweet and so creative. It's going to be hard for me to decide which potential BFFs I should chose for my show! Luckily I have a great casting team helping me while I'm traveling. Doron Ofir's Casting team have been traveling the country and so far they have auditioned over a thousand girls and guys – but just so you all know – its all been by appointment only so make sure you log onto to apply for the show. And just to clear up any misinformation you may have heard, there are NO open calls for the show! Everyone they invite has applied thru the site and they've picked out the best contenders to interview. With so many applications to go thru they are trying their utmost best to read and contact everyone from the official casting application. Every event is exclusive and hand picked by invitation only. I didn't want my potential BFFs to have to wait in a long open call lines. So whoever made up that there wasn't a big turn out has no idea what they are talking and just another lie on the internet as usual. But who cares, I don't pay attention to the haters! I only pay attention to you, my true friends and supporters, love you guys!! I am so excited! I just know that I'm going to have an unbelievable group of potential BFFs for the show and I want to thank everyone who is applying and can't wait to see all your tapes as well as all the casting departments selections when I return.

Love you all,

Paris :) xoxo