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Of all the dignity-compromising things that Wall Streeters have to do over the course of their careers, it's safe to say no one has stooped lower than Mr. Joshua Persky, who stood outside the Charles Schwab building at 50th and Park yesterday wearing a sign that read "Experienced MIT Grad for Hire. (917) 650-8700." How reminicent of the Depression! (Minus the cell number, that is.) A former consultant at the boutique investment bank Houlihan Lokey and a father of five, Persky has been out of work for the past six months. "Instead of sitting at home, writing e-mails and networking, I decided to come out and hit the streets and try to compete a little."

Actually, Persky isn't quite as sad and helpless as he appears, what with his hand-drawn sign and stack of resumes. He's actually kind of media-savvy. Right before he took to the pavement, his wife sent out a press release to reporters announcing his plan. And while he didn't snag any interviews yesterday, he might have better luck when he reemerges today. Who knows, maybe the Persky Method will catch on. By the end of the summer, it could be a high-profile Wall Street casualty like Chuck Prince or Jimmy Cayne thrusting a resume into your hand on the corner of 50th and Park.

Out of Work Banker Employs Unusual Job Search Strategy [NY Sun]