• For his next act, former Bear Stearns CEO Alan Schwartz may jump to private equity. [NYP]
  • More management changes at Lehman Bros: Four vets of the beleaguered investment bank (Michael Gelband, Alex Kirk, Dave Goldfarb, and Gerald Donini) were named to senior roles at the firm. [CNN]
  • Ben Bernanke is expected to indicate that inflation, rather than recession, is the biggest threat to the economy. [Bloomberg]
  • UBS retained Lazard to hand a "strategic review" of its businesses; the stock is now up based on speculation the Swiss bank is contemplating a sale. [NYP, NYT]
  • Regional banks are among the few institutions willing to finance the bleak Manhattan commercial real estate market. [Observer]
  • UK-based Barclays will raise $8.9 billion in new capital by issuing shares to investors in the Middle East and Asia. [Forbes]
  • MasterCard is paying $1.8 billion to settle its four-year-old antitrust lawsuit with American Express [NYT]