"'I grabbed her ass,' one young woman exclaimed to her friends after snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter."

"Chelsea Clinton stopped traffic Friday night as she wandered the streets of Philadelphia on a gay bar crawl, winning rave reviews for both her politics and her appearance.

"Led around the neighborhood by Gov. Ed Rendell, Chelsea was mobbed by local gays and lesbians, as she walked from one club to the next. They ran up to hug her, posed for pictures and certainly invaded her personal space.

"'I grabbed her ass,' one young woman exclaimed to her friends after snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter.

"'Chelsea, the gays love you!' one fan exclaimed, as she took the microphone at Bump, a restaurant and bar that was her first stop. 'Oh, gosh, I don't know if everybody loves me,' she responded.

"Most of those at the bar seemed to, squeezing past one another in the cramped space to get a photo. Even some patrons, donning Obama stickers-a rally for the Illinois senator had taken place a few blocks away earlier in the evening-tried to get a snapshot as well.

"In all, she visited four bars in Center City, concluding her tour at Woody's, the city's most famous gay bar. Getting from one event to another proved difficult at times, as she was constantly stopped by admirers while walking down the sidewalk. She reached into car windows to shake hands and was followed by several young women who tried to pose for photos on their camera phone, but seemed incapable of properly saving the pictures." [MSNBC via Drudge]

This comes as no surprise, since we already know how much Chelsea enjoys her gay partying.