
S.C. Voters Strip Mayor of Power for Firing Popular Gay Police Chief

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 10:37AM

Amid last night's Beltway bluster over which conservative Republican would win a Deep South Senate seat, the media missed some pretty interesting local election results—like the South Carolina town that rallied to back a gay police chief and punish the mayor who fired her two months ago.

Military Color Guard Assigned to March in Gay Pride Parade

Adam Weinstein · 06/06/14 01:25PM

Conservative culture warriors may want to skip Saturday's big gay pride parade in Washington, seeing as how Dykes With Bikes will be joined by a Pentagon-approved U.S. military color guard—believed to be a first in the nation's history.

Will Miley Cyrus' Sexy Lesbian Kiss Be the End of Her?

Adrian Chen · 06/05/10 09:10AM

Miley Cyrus' Lesbian Kiss may destroy her career. Heidi and Spencer may have been destroyed by not having money. Kristen Stewart will prevent her "Fame = Rape" comments from destroying her. Saturday's Gossip Round up is apocalyptic.

Gay Marriage: Three States Down, 47 Left to Go

ian spiegelman · 10/11/08 11:05AM

Yesterday, Connecticut joined Massachusetts and California in declaring that consenting adults can marry each other—even if they're gay! The Connecticut Supreme Court struck down the state's civil union law and declared that same sex couples have a constitutional right to wed. Oh, and litigious, wing-nut "Family Values" groups take note: The ruling cannot be appealed, dicks! The new law goes into effect on October 28th—just in time for a wave of awesome gay and lesbian Halloween theme weddings!

Catching Up With the World's Most Beautiful Transsexual Girl

ian spiegelman · 10/04/08 04:18PM

Jamie Clayton, the transsexual makeup artist who took the city by sexy storm over the summer when The Observer dubbed her "the second most beautiful girl in New York" is finally live on video. In an interview with Logo Online. She's getting recognized in the street, dating, and being subject to the clever pick-up lines of NYC boys. Lines such as, "Hey, Red," and "What's up, Slim?" Clip after the jump. Actually, there's no damned embed code. So watch it here.

Please: Ask! Tell!

mr.guyball · 06/29/08 05:42PM

The Canadian military's enthusiastic participation in Toronto Gay pride events provides yet more proof that they are winning at North American Democracy. Ten Canadian soldiers marched in this weekend's Toronto Pride Parade, and the Canadian Armed Forces set up an information booth to solicit recruits from the well-toned ranks of Canuck 'Mos. Between this, the ascendant Loonie, and the unstoppable appeal of Seth Rogen, it is now evident that Canada is destined to rule over us in glorious empire.[Metafilter]

One More Thing: The Greatest Gays of Film and TV

ian spiegelman · 06/29/08 05:13PM

In celebration of Pride Weekend, let's share clips of a our favorite gay and lesbian performers and characters from the movies and television. Again, performers or characters both count-just so long as there's some gay in there. I'll get us rolling after the jump.

Hateful Scum Threaten Pride Weekend

ian spiegelman · 06/29/08 01:05PM

After the Pride Parade and all the happy partying that will follow, ride the trains in groups this evening because a man was attacked by gay-bashing thugs last night on the 2/3 train near the Christopher Street stop after volunteering at a Pride event. He says the police haven't caught his attackers. "The guy kept asking us to move because he didn't like us and [said] that we made him sick. There was no place else for us to go. He started hitting me and then his girlfriend started clawing me with her nails...I took a cab to St. Vincents, filed a police report and got two black eyes, 7 stitches, multiple chipped teeth, broken glasses." [Gothamist]

Alanis Morrisette Discusses Her Lesbian Days With Howard Stern

ian spiegelman · 06/29/08 12:41PM

Gorgeous and magical Alanis Morrisette stopped by "The Howard Stern Show" Friday, where she discussed her break-up with loser Ryan Reynolds-who her band, Howard, and Artie Lang all hate-as well her experimentations with lesbianism. Clip after the jump.

Chelsea Clinton in Gay Philly Bar Romp

ian spiegelman · 04/20/08 12:42PM

"'I grabbed her ass,' one young woman exclaimed to her friends after snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter."