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The upstart Dumbo Books of Brooklyn thought of a not-so-ingenious way to get real life teens to blurb their upcoming release of Queens writer Richard Grayson's new book: Craigslist. With only a Blogger website to their name, the small press has turned to blind posting in 'Writing Jobs', looking for "18-25yo hipsters to blurb our cool forthcoming book of sex stories for must be cool-looking, smart looking." High standards, but when you're desperately seeking random blurbs for the tragically titled, Who Will Kiss The Pig? Sex Stories For Teens, you want the best. Hopefully they'll omit the Miss Piggy-inspired cover from the PDF they promise to send along to chosen hipsters. And if you're under 18, there's still hope: just ask your parents if it's OK to talk about how much you love this book/PDF about teen sex. After the jump, the full Craigslist post in all its glory.

We'll let someone else investigate Grayson's charming encounter with teen sex. The only thing we desire is for Dumbo to consider our teen sex manuscript, It Happened One Puberty, as they promise below.

Cool Brooklyn book publisher looking for cool 18-25yo hipsters to blurb our cool forthcoming book of sex stories for teens. We will send you a PDF of the book and ask for a blurb & headshot for advertising, website, publicity. Tiny honorarium of free books and our guarantee to read and consider your own book manuscript for publication. Our books have been reviewed in Phila. Inquirer, Kirkus, Hipster Book Club, Florida Book Review, etc. You must be cool-looking, smart-looking. Minorities encouraged to apply. Under 18, must have parents' permission!

Say what you want, but their support of people of color demands respect. Strike that, cool people of color.