Godless Gothamites, meet GodTube, which according to the Times was the Web's fastest-growing site when unveiled in August and which just garnered a $30 million hedge fund investment. It's sort of like YouTube, except all videos are pre-screened by site operators in Plano, Texas; you can't promote religions other than Christianity and you can't mock Christianity, which makes sense since "God" is obviously synonymous with "Christian God" (*cough*). The whole operation is of course destined to implode when the new hedge fund investors push for less censorship to goose traffic and ads for items a bit more risque than "Bible software and degrees from online universities," but in the meantime enjoy this GodTube clip of a man "caught" looking at porn by Jesus. (In the interest of religous plurality I did run a seach for "porn" on JewTube and the only hits remotely responsive included one titled "Neil Diamond And Carol Burnett", which I refuse to watch, and this video of two Jewish supermodels in bikinis backed by a Biggie Smalls song.)

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