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Like it or not, nerd-turned-comedy-mogul Judd Apatow has tapped the fleshy center of the zeitgeist once again by unleashing Jason Segel’s manhood unto the world. And now, it looks like there’s a very hard hardcover release to look forward to in which Hollywood’s most legendary male assets are celebrated and outed — and we’re not talking shockers like Milton Berle. Among the nuggets revealed in Hollywood Babylon: It’s Back include the actor that's been called “donkey’d” by his female co-stars, the 1950s poster boy’s package was well-known in the prepubescent boy community, and who once posed nude for artists, earning himself the whisper, “It was the biggest I've ever seen. It made me drop my charcoal pencil.”

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As the NY Daily News reports today, Johnny Depp is the actor who once had the "donkey'd" reputation among those female stars lucky enough to learn for themselves, and Sean Connery had already made it big by dropping trou for art students before breaking out on-screen. As for the alleged pedophile, the tome claims James Dean had an ongoing fling and obsession with a 12-year old boy. Legend Elia Kazan, not exactly an altar boy himself, apparently once remarked, "I've known many actors who have been twisted up in their sex lives, but never anybody as sick and unhealthy as Dean was." We can only wonder what the Streetcar director would have had to say about Apatow's dirty-talk flicks reigning over the silver screen today.