Jamie Dimon Will Trade You a Gift Card for Your Gun

Got an illegal firearm sitting around the house? Good news: If you bring it to one of six churches this weekend, you'll earn yourself a $200 Chase gift card. No questions asked! Do note, though, that you can't simply waltz in with the gun in plain sight. To qualify, you'll need to wrap it up in a plastic or paper bag. Feel free to turn up with a rifle, handgun or a shotgun—they all qualify although BB guns will only earn you $20—and there's no need to remove the ammo: You can bring them loaded. And this unusual marketing arrangement is clearly a win-win for Jamie Dimon's notoriously aggressive JP Morgan Chase: Not only do illegal gun owners represent a valuable demo (all those ill-gotten stacks of $100 and no place to put them!), we also suspect fewer guns on the street also translates into fewer tellers with guns pointed in their direction.