Beth Ostrosky Loves Howard, Endangered Animals

CNBC headed out to the Hamptons a couple of weeks ago to meet up with Howard Stern and soon-to-be wife Beth Ostrosky at a Hamptons magazine party celebrating—what else?—Beth Ostrosky on the cover of the mag. As the reporters from CNBC tell it, Howard and Beth are the Hamptons hot "It" couple and they've had an absolutely storybook romance (although, as you'll see, the account of their romantic first meeting leaves out the fact that Howard was very much married at the time). Now they spend time on the East End because, says Beth, her "favorite part of being in the Hamptons is the wildlife." (And by animals, she means the sort that run around on four legs, not the sort that line up outside Dune in Southampton on a Saturday night). Howard and Beth's passion for themselves—and cute animals—below.
Update, July 23: On his show this morning, Howard took issue with our description of him as being "very much married" when he met Beth. To clarify, Howard and his first wife, Alison Berns, officially divorced in 2001 (see here), a year after he and Beth met and first started dating. But he'd been separated from Alison since 1999, which we also should have mentioned.