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For quite some time now, Kirsten Dunst has been just as well known for her rumored drug and alcohol issues as she has been for her film career (Wimbledon, anyone?). But after years of media accusations about her alleged issues with substance abuse, Dunst confided to E! chatterbox Marc Malkin that her trip to rehab a few months ago had nothing to do with booze or blow and everything to do with suffering from depression.

"I didn’t go to Cirque Lodge for alcohol abuse or drug abuse,” Dunst tells [Malkin] exclusively during a lunch break on All Good Things. “I went there for depression.”

Um, well, that's depressing. And while it's certainly a better spin than Eva Mendes' excuse for her stay, it gets us thinking. If she is clinically depressed, what's the deal with all those supposed trips to AA with Ryan Gosling in tow? Perhaps that’s just her weird way of wooing a guy, a la Fight Club. What about the episodes of weight loss and her non-stop runny nose? Sure, it’s probably hay fever that’s so bad it makes you throw up. But make no mistake about it, Dunst does not want people associating her fame with her, um, depression. “We’re all in the same boat together.” Our fingers are crossed that she’s talking about a metaphorical boat, not the street name for PCP.

[Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin]