Lindsay Lohan And Samantha Ronson Officially Make Lesbianism Chic

Our favorite moment from the first episode of Living Lohan was when a giggly Ali Lohan said "I wanna be like Lindsay" in a very rehearsed, gun-to-her-head sort of way. Whichever puppet master that yanked her strings successfully managed to pull the transformation off, but not in the way we'd hoped. Rather than passing out in SUVs and borrowing some of Lindsay's many cokepants for a quick crash and burn, little Ali appears to be moving in on Lindsay's girl. As the Lohan/Ronson romance spread their tattooed and hickey-scarred wings to New York yesterday, the gruesome twosome turned into an even more gruesome threesome, as Ali joined the honeymooners on shopping trips and lunch dates. But Ali may not gain entrance into the private club of two — you see, the psychic geniuses at the NY Post have already gone ahead and prepared for Lindsay's official coming out. Their case for Lohan As Lesbian, plus sources' details on the fact that "they're definitely dating," after the jump.
As one source tells the Daily Mail, "They're definitely dating. It's been going on for a long time now - they've been together casually for about a year." And just in case this alleged source is not to be trusted (as per usual), we always have Momager/Pimp extraordinaire Dina Lohan to chip in her two cents (again, as per usual): "Lindsay's mother Dina appears to have given the 30-year-old...her seal of approval. She said: 'Samantha's a sweetheart. She's great – and she's the best spinner around.'" Oh, Dina. Spinner? Really? Well, at least she didn't say "wheels of steel"...
As for the Post, they've decided this "relationship" is one of the smartest public image improvements Lindsay's made in years. And we have to agree with their point: these days, being a full-out lesbian is far cooler than dating Greek heirs and annoying has-beens with names like Wilmer. Girl-on-girl hickies top greasy reality show host fuck-and-tellers any day.
[Photo credit: Splash]