• Oprah Winfrey said Barack Obama's victory made her do "the happy dance all day." And she's totally ready to piss off more viewers by campaigning for him again. [Showbiz Spy]
  • After giving her new allies at the Post an exclusive rundown on her recent drug bust and visit to Alcoholics Anonymous, Tatum O'Neal clams up to the Daily News. On AA: "Well, it's anonymous. I'd prefer to keep it that way!" [R&M]
  • The big Calvin Klein/Eva Mendes party above Heath Ledger's apartment was broken up by the building's owners. [TMZ]
  • The young Republicans are fighting to save poor Bruce Willis from some dirty hippies. Or as the Post oh-so-clevery calls them, "slacktivists." [P6]
  • Even though Sharon Stone apologized once, already, for saying China's recent earthquake was the result of bad karma from Chinese rule in Tibet, she still has been banned from the Shanghai International Film Festival. So she tried apologizing a second time.
  • Brad Pitt bought a $300,000 table and $175-per-square-foot rug — not despite the fact that he has twin babies on the way, but because he has twin babies on the way. Between the new ones and Jolie's 47 other children, the new furniture should be covered in crayons and bodily fluids within a week. But, given the provenance of the children, maybe it will actually increase in value. [P6]