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Sad news for Hamptons residents looking to blow $350,000 on a Lamborghini this summer: Manhattan Motorcars Hamptons, the dealership in Westhampton Beach that caters to the rich and even richer, may lose its right to sell the insanely expensive autos in the near future. In June, Lamborghini's parent company, Automobili Lamborghini SpA, informed the dealership that they were no longer using the Lamborghini name with permission. (The legal threat was prompted by Manhattan Motorcars' move to a new location, one which Lamborghini, it seems, didn't approve of.) Now Manhattan Motorcars is fighting back. It's slapped Lamborghini with a $20 million lawsuit for breach of contract, among other things. The court records—and messy details—are below.

Manhattan Motorcars of the Hamptons []