Yoga Hippies Want Your House

Do you have a spacious home in NYC or Greenwich, CT? Why not share it free of charge with a married couple in their thirties from Sept. '08 through March '09 while they complete their masters in "Conscious Evolution"? Still not sold? "We are looking for a live-in or house-sitting opportunity in the NYC area while we complete our Masters Degree in Conscious Evolution. We'll care for your home while you are away, or we can live with you, in which case we'd be happy to share our fitness and coaching expertise. Beth and Alex are a married 30-something couple contributing as professional fitness/yoga/health/life coaches dedicated to raising awareness through movement, exercise, holistic health and relationships." Get to know your lovable new gurus a little better after the jump.
"We love to teach, move, share, and learn. We would be happy to speak about sharing our skills wherever we stay. Not only can we cook, clean, love animals, but we also do personal training, health coaching, meditation and more. There's really a lot we can offer to you.
"Beth has been involved with health and fitness for most of her life on many levels. She is a Holistic Health Counselor focusing on each individual need for nutrition, life balance, emotional well being, conscious choices, environmental well being as well as (digestive issues, allergies, overall wellness; eating for optimum energy, stress reduction and weight management). Beth is also a certified Yoga Instructor and focuses on aligning one's body and posture, connecting one's mind to body through breath, and creating balance in strength and flexibility.
"Alex's interest is in raising awareness, especially through raised awareness of movement and exercise and meditation. He has experience from a variety of physical and mental disciplines including strength and conditioning, yoga, breath and freediving, snowboarding, self defense and martial arts (he's taught hundreds of men and women practical hand-to-hand skills), and Latin dance. He founded The Epic Workout as a way to transform our notion of exercise, based on the hero's journey. He coaches beyond strength and conditioning, kettlebells, movement, combat/self defense, teaches meditation, breath-holding (he's held his breath for 4:33 and dove to 100ft on a single breath) and more."
Please note: They're looking for something, "Walking distance from SOHO, though we would be happy to look farther out." [Alex's Home Page]