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Despite having apparently cleaned up her boozy gurney act, finding a new boyfriend who doesn't wear wifebeaters and even spending quality mini-SUV-riding time with Sean Preston and The Other One, Britney Spears has still been getting flack from the press. Why? Namely because she's been seen looking slightly less svelte than usual while covering her belly (which, of course, leads to unwed-mom pregnancy stories). But comeback number infinity is still chugging away! Last week, we reported on her planned string of "flashy" shows in Vegas, and now we learn that Spears has reportedly undergone a rapid weight loss using none other than the Victoria Beckham starvation method. Details on what Spears has been replacing her Cheetos with, how she's comparing to Posh these days and the exact dimensions of her new dress size (you know you want to know) after the jump.

According to the Daily Mail, Britney has recently gone from a size 14 to a size 10 by "following a strict diet based on Victoria Beckham's eating regime." Before detailing what the tiny bobble-headed Brit's regime actually is, we'll give you some perspective. Not that anyone needs reminding, but Marilyn Monroe was the epitome of pin-up girl hot, and it's been widely reported that she wore a size 12. As for Posh? That alleged 23-inch waist of hers so often exaggerated by massive tight belts belongs to a size 00 body. Yes, those are two 0s. Whether or not Britney actually plans on downsizing to such an extreme is unknown, but we find her Monroe-esque curves of late far sexier than the toothpick look favored by Posh and her toothpick-y peers.

In any case, a source claims Spears heard how Posh "stays so thin" and has been chomping on the following oh-so-mouthwatering dishes: steamed fish and edamame beans, goji berry juice, and seaweed shakes. Well, goji berries are a favorite of ours, but seaweed shakes? Why, Britney, why? We can only hope she's at least eating the entirety of each random diet dish, as opposed to splitting each bean in half like Jacob Marley or, of course, Hubbard hostage, Katie Holmes.

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[Photo credits: Splash, Getty]