Bullied Blogger to Comment Mob: "I Win, Bitches!"

Chelsea Alvarez-Bell, the blogger who furiously quit her job with Seattle's Stranger yesterday because all the commenters were mean has returned briefly with a triumphant fuck-you to the angry mob. It turns out that her boss "was disappointed that I was quitting, and that he would like to up the ante. One dollar for every comment on ‘Fuck This, I'm Out' posted before 4 pm… if I was willing to write about how I spent the money. I agreed, and since then have been hitting refresh on the thread, watching the money roll in. I saw a lot of assholes being assholes, and nice people being nice. But what I was really glad to see was people discussing the state of the comments on Slog, which I hoped would happen."
"But I digress from the point of this post, which is this: I'll be back next week with how I spent the money. Enjoy your weekend!" See the post here to read all the new comments and check out the adorable gymnastics trophy Chelsea has awarded herself.