
Bullied Blogger to Comment Mob: "I Win, Bitches!"

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 10:38AM

Chelsea Alvarez-Bell, the blogger who furiously quit her job with Seattle's Stranger yesterday because all the commenters were mean has returned briefly with a triumphant fuck-you to the angry mob. It turns out that her boss "was disappointed that I was quitting, and that he would like to up the ante. One dollar for every comment on ‘Fuck This, I'm Out' posted before 4 pm… if I was willing to write about how I spent the money. I agreed, and since then have been hitting refresh on the thread, watching the money roll in. I saw a lot of assholes being assholes, and nice people being nice. But what I was really glad to see was people discussing the state of the comments on Slog, which I hoped would happen."

Dude Better Take Those Spring Break Pics Off His Facebook

Emily Gould · 08/03/07 03:15PM

This was such a magical week for comments, you guys. Seriously! (A circle jerk of hilarity amid the vituperation!) We sometimes found ourselves laughing so hard we cried. Laughing and crying, you know, it's the same release.