We've made fun of self-styled pickup artist and creepy sexual compulsive Paul Janka countless times: he's slept with 146 (or so) women. He wrote an e-book layguide on how to get girls. He's shopping an Entourage-type TV show to Showtime. However, he's graduated from amusing obnoxiousness to distinctly unfunny sexual assault, according to Emily, a woman who went on a date with him. Paul doesn't even dispute her claim that he grabbed her, pinned her down, tried to fingerfuck her, and shoved his tongue in her mouth. (She only got away after fighting and hitting him with an umbrella.) Her account, and Janka's reply (she was on a date "under false pretenses," he says), after the jump.

When he first contacted me I told him I was busy, then sick, then I ignored him. A few days ago I saw a Gawker post and realized that Paul was Paul Janka. Naturally, I wondered what it was like to hang out with a pile of shit, so I said we should hang out. I make bad decisions sometimes. And, in the spirit of poor judgement I agreed to go to his apartment. It wasn't like I was going to fall for some line and have sex with him. Gross. I found out too late that Paul Janka is not sweet talker, he's physically aggressive and refuses to acknowledge the word "no."

We sat on his couch talking - he only wanted to talk about sex and dating - for 30 minutes. He spent the entire time trying to put his hand on my leg only to have my brush it off. Finally he said, "You don't like me, do you?"

"No, not really." I agreed.

He told me that we should either have sex or I should leave. I said I would leave. I started to stand up and he pulled me backwards and pinned me against the couch. I tried to push him off me, but couldn't. He started touching my breasts and between my legs. I told him to let me go as I tried to deflect his hands. After a few minutes he let me up. I gathered my things. As I was putting on my shoes he came over and grabbed my face, he squeezed until it hurt and I couldn't move my head. The he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him off, went to the door, and was trying to unlock it when he came up behind me and wrapped one arm around my arms, making them immobile, and shoved the opposite hand down my pants. He tried to fucking finger me (unsuccessfully, I fought like a dog). I told him to stop. I struggled to get free. His only response was, "You're turned on, aren't you." He wouldn't let go. I managed to grab an umbrella propped against the wall next to me. I hit him and he backed off. I rushed out the door and I heard him laugh a little and call "bye" after me.

Either Paul Janka didn't understand that someone was seriously telling him to stop or he did and chose to ignore it. Both options are scary. Showtime might base a show on this man? Men take advice from him? He is disgusting and pathetic and potentially dangerous. Joking about this guys being an asshole is all fine and good, but if he's using physical force like this, damn it, that's not funny. There are so many amazing men running around, but it's always the worst examples of the male sex that tout themselves as experts with women.

Even less funny was Janka's reply when we asked for comment:

"I'd say going on a date under false pretenses is pretty underhanded, wouldn't you? I'm not interested in disputing her account, tit-for-tat. Suffice it to say she's spun it to serve her interests."