We'd like to interrupt your regularly scheduled blog reading on this lovely Monday morning in order to make a quick introduction. We are excited to announce that, for the next two days, Sara Bibel (aka DroppedCall) will be jumping into the mix in a guest blogger capacity. For those of you who aren't already familiar with her work, Sara’s meandering journey through the dream-strewn streets of Hollywood began with a stint working for Defamer favorite Courtney “Call Me Corey” Solomon (who you'll likely remember from the great Captivity billboard scandal of Spring 2007). His screaming tirades and stapler throwing antics prepared her for her two-day stretch at Defamer H.Q. She then made it through the studio gates and into the glamorous world of television research, where she crunched Nielsen ratings numbers and sat behind the double mirror in numerous focus groups. Her next move took her into soaps – writing over a hundred hours of television you don't want to admit that you watched. Currently, she is a columnist for fancast.com.
And with that, please give Sara a warm Defamer welcome (meaning, please save the expletives until after noon).