Depending on where you lie on the whole "insufferable, OCD-afflicted, house-flipping boss from Hell"-loving spectrum, news that the second season of Bravo's surprise hit Flipping Out premieres tonight will either come as a delight, or warning. Either way, it bears mentioning. Back again is the series's polarizing central figure, Jeff Lewis, who last season memorably spent 45 minutes entering a compound-drink order that involved the use of an overhead projector, a laser pointer, and a periodic table of the elements. In the preview scene above, Lewis has quite remarkably succeeding in adding yet another Boy Friday to his revolving menagerie of assistants. One week in, New Chris still seems eager to attend to his boss's fucking insane demands. To wit: stocking the meticulously numbered and aligned contents of his sparse refrigerator. (Coffee-Mates: 6. Yogurts: 6. Jars of martini olives: 3. Lunatics running the asylum: 1.) Like we said, you can either deal with this, or you can't. Personally, we're waiting for the series's breakout domestic to get her own spinoff, Feeling Zoila.