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  • Frank Bruni visits media mogul central, Michael's, and hands the restaurant the zero-star review it fully deserves ("gloppy, affected pub grub") although he points out that the food there "isn't really the point," which is true, too. [NYT]
  • Adam Platt gives Convivio three out of five stars this week in New York. Chef Michael White is "Midtown's answer to Mario Batali," according to Platt. [NYM]
  • Randall Lane is a fan of Michael White, too. The TONY dining critic gives Convivio five out of six stars. [TONY]
  • Ryan Sutton was a little dissapointed that he spent $300 on lunch at David Chang's Momofuku Ko and still left hungry. But he praises the "subtle and complex" lunch menu anyway, describing his meal as "brilliant." [Bloomberg]
  • Danyelle Freeman of the Daily News finds "sublime Mexican street food" at Brooklyn's La Superior. She's less impressed with the dissapointing selection of dishes that can sometimes be "downright dangerous" at The General Green. [NYDN, NYDN]
  • Alan Richman checks out Apiary in the East Village, where nearly every dish he tried was way too sweet. [GQ/Forked]
  • Gael Greene is pretty impressed by the food Yerba Buena. [NYM]
  • The Village Voice's Robert Sietsema's hunger was "magnificently satisfied" by a trip to Curry-Ya, the East Village Japanese curry spot. [VV]
  • Paul Adams samples tapas-style Latin street food at Macondo and is reasonably pleased with his meal. [NYSun]