Simon's Bad Behavior, Scott's Favorites
This image was lost some time after publication.- It seems The Box's Simon Hammerstein is quite the pervy, depraved boss, at least judging by all the complaints from female ex-employees. [Gawker]
- The probably-fake nightclub El Bano already has a probably-fake competitor called El-Elevator. [GoaG]
- Scott Conant is a fan of Anthony Bourdain and Jean-Georges; he's not so much a fan of restaurants in China. [Big Think via GS]
- The owners of Patsy's pizzeria in Harlem have won the legal battle with Patsy's in Midtown over rights to the famous name. [NYP]
- Four employees at 230 Fifth are suing the lounge's owner, Steven Greenberg, for paying below minimum wage and skimming tips. [GS]
- Greek superchef Michael Psilakis says he has weakness for rice pudding and he'll eat just about anything. [NYT/Diner's Journal]
- On-the-job injuries aren't restricted to professional athletes and coal miners—bartenders have it pretty rough, too. [TONY]