Nello Loses Umbrella, Lawsuit

It's been more than a year since model Le Call had dinner one rainy night at Nello, borrowed an umbrella from owner Nello Balan on her way out the door, and then never returned it. The umbrella she took, though, wasn't one of those cheap pieces of junk you buy for $5 on the street. According to Balan, the parapluie had been a gift from Jean-Paul Gaultier and was worth $5,000, which explains why Nello started calling the model to get it back. Unfortunately for Balan, Le Call didn't have it in her possession any more; she'd given it to financier Nathaniel Rothschild, who eventually turned it over to Balan—in two pieces. Balan responded by filing a $1 million lawsuit against both Rothschild and Le Call for emotional distress. (He later amended the claim and asked for $30,000.) Last Friday, the case was finally resolved when a noticeably annoyed judge threw the case out and then fined Balan's lawyer for filing a frivolous lawsuit. The judge's full ruling after the jump.