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CollegeHumor, the Internet's most unlikely feminist website? They've originated the homosocially delicious Jake and Amir Show, had a breakaway hit with the sex worker rights' paean "Moments Before 2 Girls 1 Cup," in which workplace health and safety for adult models takes center stage, and now have reimagined the Internet as if girls ran it. The only problem is — and this might even be due to the success of CollegeHumor and their comrades in boy-funny — girls mostly already do.

A 2008 study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project finds:

Girls continue to dominate most elements of content creation. Some 35% of all teen girls blog, compared with 20% of online boys, and 54% of wired girls post photos online compared with 40% of online boys. Boys, however, do dominate one area - posting of video content online. Online teen boys are nearly twice as likely as online girls (19% vs. 10%) to have posted a video online somewhere where someone else could see it.

So for now, guys, stick to the videos. Though we'll be coming for those next.