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Yesterday, we asked why Justin Ouellette, the founder of Brooklyn's favorite music-sharing site, Muxtape, would post the terms of Jakob Lodwick's investment in Muxtape to his personal blog — especially when those terms might prove dangerous for Ouelette's friend Lodwick, an oddly charismatic tech entrepreneur who had a frosty falling out with IAC chief Barry Diller? The answer: Because even for the founder of a Web service that's grown to 140,000 users in just 5 months, sometimes email is hard. Writes Ouellette in a post replacing the now removed image:

I posted something I didn't mean to yesterday. Pretty embarrassing. I meant to email it to myself, but my reflexes directed me to Tumblr (which is where I’m emailing photos from my phone 99% of the time). Oh, internet. Always double check.

Oops! Doesn't this make you feel better about the time you sent that instant message to your coworker after he'd been chewed out by your boss, saying, "Sorry about that. She gets cranky sometimes," only to realize you'd accidentally sent it to your boss? It does for me!