
Music-startup founder leaked damning deal memo by confusing email with Tumblr

Nicholas Carlson · 07/08/08 01:20PM

Yesterday, we asked why Justin Ouellette, the founder of Brooklyn's favorite music-sharing site, Muxtape, would post the terms of Jakob Lodwick's investment in Muxtape to his personal blog — especially when those terms might prove dangerous for Ouelette's friend Lodwick, an oddly charismatic tech entrepreneur who had a frosty falling out with IAC chief Barry Diller? The answer: Because even for the founder of a Web service that's grown to 140,000 users in just 5 months, sometimes email is hard. Writes Ouellette in a post replacing the now removed image:

Barack Obama Chose Scary Foreign-Sounding Name

ian spiegelman · 03/23/08 11:33AM

For years, Barack Obama was simply an affable guy called "Barry." "When Sen. Barack Obama moved from using the name Barry to Barack, his formal name, it was part of his almost lifelong quest for identity and belonging-to figure out who he is, and how he fits into the larger American tapestry. Part black, part white, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia, with family of different religious and spiritual backgrounds-seen by others in ways he didn't see himself-the young Barry was looking for solid ground. At Occidental College, he was feeling like he was at a 'dead end'... 'that somehow I needed to connect with something bigger than myself.'"