Nigeria is a country afflicted with rampant corruption, looting of the government treasury, oil piracy, illiteracy, grinding rural poverty, and a dire lack of clean water. But media mogul and public servant Nduka Obaigbena is committed to fixing all that and making Nigeria a model of good government. His unique prescription for social change: parties with Naomi Campbell, bespoke suits, and a penthouse at the Ritz Carlton:

  • Obaigbena's plan to clean up Nigeria has been to host annual parties celebrating officials who stand out as examples of good governance. Attendees at his parties include dangerous model Naomi Campbell, foreign presidents, jugheaded political hack Paul Begala, and Bill Clinton.
  • "Mr. Obaigbena has also held a mammoth summer concert series promoting Nigeria's economic and political progress, the ThisDay festival, luring the likes of Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Diddy and Shakira to perform in Lagos."
  • "On Aug. 1, it travels to the Kennedy Center in Washington, headlined by Beyoncé and Seal."
  • Critics of Obaigbena in his country say all this partying and celebrity shit does nothing for the poor rural Nigerians who need help the most. But he disagrees. "'We have the longest period of democracy in Nigeria, ever,' said the mogul in March, sitting in a suite at the St. Regis in New York."
  • "An elegant man with a blunt, chiefly demeanor and a taste for bespoke Lanvin suits, he maintains a home in Lagos, a country estate in Nigeria's Delta State and a penthouse at the Ritz Carlton in Washington...'I like to live modestly and discreetly,' said Mr. Obaigbena, with no trace of irony."

He also hangs out with Ice-T and Lil Kim. Starving Nigerians, you are now much more popular with celebrities!