Halloween 2008: Socialites Make Their Costume Plans

Just because the stock market is continuing to flail around, that doesn't mean people should forget this month's primary issue of national import: Who's going as what for Halloween? The Transom has helpfully surveyed the city's glitterati in order to discover what costumes we'll see at the Central Park Conservancy Halloween Ball, Allison Sarofim's party, and Susanne Bartsch's bash. While some people are as yet undecided—poor Fabiola Beracasa's been so rushed off her feet, she hasn't even had time to think, and Charlotte Ronson hasn't made up her mind either—others are all set.
Armin Amiri will be a character of his own creation named Sergio (don't ask); Ann Dexter-Jones will recycle a costume worn to her son Mark's "dress like an album" theme party, except this time she (never one to miss out on the chance for a plug!) says it will accessorized with some of future daughter-in-law Lindsay Lohan's 6126 leggings; and Celerie Kemble, in an inspired choice, will be a FLDS wife. "I've been trying to figure out how to do the hair all week," she says. May we suggest that a woman of Celerie's means should just summon whoever did Linda's hair in this shoot?
Halloween's Just Around the Corner! New Yorkers Ponder: Palin, Spitzer … Dracula? [NYO]