Babies! Famous people have been having them! And then they also sell photographs of the babies because, in some twisted Dina Lohanian world of logic, selling the photos of the babies somehow mitigates the other paparazzi attention the little squirming things would inevitably receive. It's a highwire act of faux inferential reasoning, but it seems to be popular. Probably because of those millions of dollars. Brad & Angie (Pitt & Jolie) haven't yet announced plans to sell their new twins' souls (if you believe the Injuns), but they did hawk pictures of their other real kid, Shiloh, donating the proceeds to charity. So yeah, lots of people are doing it. But who hasn't? Which big-time celebs adamantly refuses to publicize, for no valid reason, their progeny? Take a look at a little gallery after the jump.

Weren't Offered Because They Wouldn't Anyway:

Nicole Kidman

The Aussie actress made it clear, before any offers were on the table, that she would not be doing a photo op for her baby (with country singer Keith Urban). Their kid, named Sunday, was born recently. We're told it looks nothing like Tom. (That's not her baby in the picture.)

Halle Berry

Same went for the Monster's Ball actress (except the Tom part). She kept her birth and her baby's visage private. Though we do know that she named it Professor Catface Meowmers after her character in Catwoman, one of the most successful movies of all time.

Cate Blanchett

Because she's a class act from top to bottom, the Elizabeth actress didn't cotton to the baby business. She's been photographed with the blessed child, but it's all for free and completely unplanned.

Those Who Were Offered Money, But Declined

Jennifer Garner

Though her baby (with actor/writer/dude from Cambridge Ben Affleck) is probably the cutest thing in the entire world, the Alias actress declined offers to quietly honor the miracle with a nationally-distributed snapshot. Again, the baby is the cutest thing in the world.

Salma Hayek

This one is a bit up in the air because we're told by a gossip magazine insider that the Fools Rush In actress turned down offers, but there is a really posed photo of her with the baby that's been credited to the AP. So, maybe she did take pics, but for no money.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Though a whole stable of publications offered her money for baby exclusives, the blonde-maned Sex and the City actress said no, and instead trotted baby James Wilkie off into the wonderful world of relative obscurity. Richard's An Idiot Update: She did, of course, pose with her little colt for a sort of gaudy photo session in front of her West Village apartment, right after the bun came out of the oven. But there was no purse—she did it for free.

Courteney Cox

The Ace Ventura: Pet Detective star turned down cash for a peek at baby RoccoRico (or whatever) but did distribute a photo, gratis, when she felt it was time for some attention.

Then, Of Course, There's Tom Cruise

People offered Ol' Risky Business millions for first-look rights on prosthetic baby Suri, but he and wife Joey Potter turned the money down. They did a cover-page Vanity Fair spread with Annie Leibovitz instead. Bless their modest hearts.