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Will beleaguered bankers become a victimized group, ostracized and pushed to the fringes of society? Very possibly! As Time points out today, "people are angry and looking for someone to blame, and the banks and their employees are natural targets." Yesterday's Masters of the Universe, observes psychologist Dr. Peter Jenkin Morgan, now don't want to admit what their job is—or was—because they've "been placed in that second-hand car salesman category." Ouch!

Particularly ill-equipped to deal with their spectacular fall from grace, says Morgan, are young traders who saw themselves as invincible as they were recruited from one job to another during a period of uninterrupted prosperity, and who (if you can restrain your schadenfreudenic laughter just long enough to keep reading) "tend to be single-skilled with limited academic backgrounds." We hope some support groups and drop-in centers are being organized! Just not, you know, in our neighborhood.

A Psychologist Looks at the Bankers' Dilemma [Time]