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Bill O'Reilly has signed a new four-year contract with Fox News worth $10-12 million a year. There is good news, though: His radio show may be coming to an end. [NYDN]
♦ More bad news for Harvey Weinstein: A handful of senior execs at The Weinstein Co. have announced their departures. [THR]
♦ How are monthly business magazines keeping up with the financial crisis? They're not, really. [NYO]
♦ The offices of the New York Times received an envelope this morning containing a "white granular substance." [Radar]

♦ Is MSNBC's Chris Matthews planning a run for Senate in 2010? [NYT]
♦ Dr. Phil has been sued for defamation. [AP]
♦ Time Inc. CEO Ann Moore announced her retirement several months ago. But now there's talk she may stick around a bit longer. [NYP]
♦ What does Carl Icahn plan to do with Lionsgate now that he's taking a bigger stake in the company? No one is sure. [THR]
Dexter has been picked up for two more seasons. [THR]