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If you go to see August, the Josh Hartnett vehicle/dot-bomb nostalgia trip, tomorrow night, watch the costar carefully. Adam Scott plays Joshua, a mild-mannered techie who cofounds Landshark with his blustering brother as CEO. "Joshua's not clean, either," Scott told me at last night's preview. Watch closely and here's what you'll spot:

As the Landshark crew head for their climactic meeting with old-money investor David Bowie, Joshua quietly disappears from the action. He claims the moral high ground over his blowhard CEO brother Tom, played by Hartnett: I did my part and built the thing, now it's up to you to sell it. But Joshua's real motivation, says Scott, is he's having his own meltdown. Unable to deal with the failure of the company that had made him worth over $100 million, Joshua quietly flees the office and holes up with family. In the film's first meeting scene, Joshua seems to be in charge over loose-cannon Tom. At the end, he's the one who doesn't show.