Donald Trump Loses in Appeals Court

Three years ago, Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against New York Times reporter Timothy O'Brien, the author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being Donald. The Donald's biggest objection to O'Brien's 288-page exposé? That O'Brien had suggested he was "only" worth $150-250 million, not the $5 billion that Trump argued was a more accurate estimate of his fortune. Trump filed a $5 billion defamation suit against O'Brien and his publisher, Warner Books, and the case that has been winding its way through the courts for close to three years now. After a modest victory last month—a judge ruled that Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. could be compelled to give a deposition in the case—Trump suffered a defeat today: A New Jersey appeals court judge has ruled that O'Brien does not have to turn over the confidential sources who helped him come up with his "low-ball" estimate. Trump's lawsuit will continue to move ahead. And there's always a chance that Trump will ask for even more in damages: He's now suggesting he's worth $10 billion.