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Last week we offered to send you a Halloween mask free of charge. We ran through the supply pretty quickly and a number of you were left out in the cold. (Sorry about that!) For those of you who missed your chance—and provided you have access to a color printer—we've posted the masks online. So you can print them out yourselves in the event you still don't have a Halloween costume lined up. After the jump, our very special collection of seven masks, in case you feel like dressing up as Anderson Cooper, Mario Batali, Nina Garcia, Anne Hathaway, Keith Olbermann, Vikram Pandit, or Al Sharpton.

Here are your choices! The masks are all in PDF format, just so you know. You just need to click on the "Download" link to save each one to your hard drive.

The Andy
The Anderson Cooper mask is ideal for straight men confident with their sexual orientation, or gay men sick of dressing up in drag. Pair it with a dark-colored suit, white shirt and tie, and you should be able to breeze past the CNN security desk without a problem. [Download]

The Mario
Mario Batali is an excellent choice for foodies (or just men who happen to be generously-proportioned). A chef's outfit and a pair of orange clogs is all you need to finish off the costume. [Download]

The Anne
This cheerful mask of Anne Hathaway is an excellent choice if you happen to have a male friend who is willing to dress up as Raffaello Follieri in prison stripes. (We're not offering up a Follieri mask, though, so you'll have to sort that one out on your own.) [Download]

The Keith
The elections are just days away and Keith Olbermann has never had this much attention focused on him in his life. If you've ever thought about dressing up as Olbermann for Halloween, this is the perfect year to do so. [Download]

The Al
An oldie that never goes out of style. Throw on a three-piece suit to achieve a more "modern" Al Sharpton look. Or go retro and throw on a track suit and gold medallion, and the outfit is complete. [Download]

The Nina
If you're a fan of Project Runway, you can't do much better than this mask of Nina Garcia. If this is the mask you pick and you examine it closely, you'll notice that her eyes look a little funny. That's because she has a lazy eye, for your information. Not our fault! [Download]

The Vikram
This mask of Vikram Pandit is really only suitable for bankers planning to attend a Halloween party that will be attended by other bankers. No one else will get it. But if you're looking to capture the current economic climate, it's an excellent choice. Plus, if you happen to run into someone dressed up as Hank Paulson, you'll have a perfect excuse to walk over and demand that he give you all the cash in his wallet. [Download]