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Quarterly earnings reports are supposed to be about a public company's financial health, but during today's call, Apple's institutional investors want a checkup on CEO Steve Jobs. They haven't gotten over Jobs's overly thin appearance at WWDC in June. "Apple's hedge-fund investors are very worried," a Wall Street source tells the New York Post. In the weeks following WWDC, Apple told reporters Jobs looked so ill because of antibiotic treatments for a cold.

But Jobs's health hasn't seemed to improve since, according the Post, which cites "multiple sources who have met with — and in some cases even dined with — Jobs in the weeks surrounding the introduction of the iPhone 3G on July 11." (Gossipy gadget reviewers, perchance?) Jobs, a Disney director, recently attended a board meeting there, and his health dominated the gossip afterward. It's all got investors feeling shaky about a company that otherwise looks strong. One investor even told the Post he sold down stake in Apple due to Jobs's health. Just by "a few million shares," though.