The Post-Election Postmortem

♦ ABC appears to generated the highest ratings as the election results rolled in last night. NBC came in second and CNN ranked third. [TV Decoder]
♦ Time is rushing to produce a commemorative issue of the mag by the end of the week. [HuffPo]
♦ Both People and Us Weekly will feature Obama on the covers of the next issue. [NYP]
♦ Can The Daily Show survive an Obama presidency? and how will other media outlets deal with the post-election dropoff? [Politico, AdAge]
♦ An explanation of that holography thingie on CNN last night. [YouTube]
♦ Barry Diller's IAC posted a loss for the third quarter. [AP]
♦ Google has abandoned its search partnership with Yahoo to avoid possible anti-trust litgation. [NYT]
♦ Just in case you haven't heard, the major networks have been losing viewers this season. [USA Today]
♦ Obama's victory has boosted sales of his books. [AP]
♦ Michael Crichton has died of cancer. [CBS News]