A few months ago, at the height of her prolonged meltdown, Britney Spears alone used to account for 20% of L.A.'s paparazzi business, providing ample opportunities for photos like this one. Now, says the L.A. Times, she's cleaning up, behaving herself—and ruining the living of the city's hardworking thuggish paps:

"She's boring. She doesn't even have a boyfriend," said Francois Navarre, the co-owner of X17, the photo agency that set the standard for aggressive 24/7 coverage of Britney Spears.

...Agencies that dispatched SUV-loads of freelancers to track her every move last year have downsized their Britney teams.

"At the height of the story, we had maybe six or eight guys on it round the clock," said Chris Doherty, owner of INF, which sells pictures to magazines, websites and TV shows. "Now we would have at most two. There's no real point to being there all the time."

Our feelings are best expressed in the words of her influential song Gimme More: "It's Britney, bitch!"

Britney Spears is Gone in a Flash [LAT]

This image was lost some time after publication.

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