Adoption-Addicted Defamer Gives Loving Home To New Associate Editor

We'd like to interrupt your regular Wednesday morning Defamer reading activities to introduce you to the newest member of our editorial team. Taking a cue from our dog-eared copy of the Brangelina playbook, we are thrilled to announce that Kyle Buchanan —who was recently declared malaria-free— is joining our ranks in the position of Associate Editor, where he will be helping us stir the pop culture pot each and every day. You may remember Kyle from his guest blogging stint late last month, but you'll certainly recognize his byline from his work in magazines like Flaunt and The Advocate, not to mention the beloved (and much missed) LA-based webzine Ostrich Ink. We are confident that you will quickly become as enamored with his keen cultural observations and love for movies and television as we already are. So, with that, everyone please give a warm welcome to Kyle (*cough* let the hazing begin! *cough*). Now, on with the show...