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The name Candy Pratts Price won't be familiar to the average person in the street, but the executive fashion director of has been one of the most important people in the fashion biz for several years now, as the hyperbolic testimonies gathered by the Transom at the party for her book American Fashion Accessories make clear. Zac Posen certainly doesn't mince his words: "It's serious, my love for Candy. There's exuberance, and's fierce." Neither does Francisco Costa: "She's an icon. She has this love of fashion and that's so apropos, it's so right for right now, to have Candy be celebrated."

Diane von Furstenberg is marginally less passionate, but to be fair she'd probably launched ten side-projects, hosted an event or two, performed whatever wifely duties a gay husband requires, decreed fabric patterns for Fall '09, and written a magazine column that day; anyway, she confirms that Pratts Price is "a real mensch." We don't hear what people without a vested interest in coverage think of the woman of the hour, but who cares? This is someone who, in deference to the reduced budgets of her readers, is restraining herself from instructing them to, in her own words, "get a rose-colored Rolex for $64,000." And what could be more noble than that?

Now Entering Candyland! Editor Pratts Price Urges Us to Keep Shopping [NYO]