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There's some kerfuffle about the voting in Yahoo's board election — something to do with whether some large investor voted or not. We don't care! What really pleases us is that the four board members we suggested get the boot — Roy Bostock, Art Kern, Ron Burkle, and Gary Wilson — scored the lowest in the vote.

Yahoo's failure-prone four had between 18.2 and 22.1 percent of shareholders withhold their votes for reelection. Board members who met with Valleywag's approval — Eric Hippeau, Vyomesh Joshi, Bobby Kotick, and Maggie Wilderotter — scored between 7.1 and 9.3 percent. Only in corporate America would a passive-aggressive move like declining to vote be deemed "activist." All the same, to those shareholders who sat this one out, we thank you for your fealty.