
Maggie Wilderotter for Yahoo CEO!

Owen Thomas · 08/07/08 10:00AM

Yahoo's botched shareholder vote doesn't just tell us that that investors are grumpy. In shareholders' eyes, some Yahoo board members are more equal than others. In the good camp, with disapproval ratings under 8 percent, even with the revised tallies: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick, who's leaving the board anyway; HP executive Vyomesh Joshi; and, intriguingly, Frontier CEO Maggie Wilderotter. We think it's time for Yahoo to take a hint, and bow to shareholder democracy: Fire Jerry Yang and Sue Decker, and replace them with Wilderotter.Wilderotter has several pluses: She's actually been a Silicon Valley CEO, unlike Yang, previous to his current run in the position, and Decker, who's long aspired to a top job somewhere, but now looks farther than ever from getting it. Wilderotter only joined the board last summer, which means she can't be held responsible for the sluggish performance and bad strategic decisions which made Yahoo vulnerable to a Microsoft bid in the first place. With media, advertising, computing, and telecommunications merging into a single business, it strikes me that most of Yahoo's board and management are ill-equipped for the transition. Not Wilderotter, who's worked for Microsoft and AT&T and run Wink Communications, an interactive-TV company which she took from startup to IPO, through boom and bust. One small hitch: Wilderotter's current job running Frontier. But we think it's high time for her to step away from that position, which she took on four years ago. Four years is a long time in the tenure of a CEO. Frontier, a phone company mostly serving rural area spread across 24 states, is doing well — but it's not going to set the world on fire anytime soon. So tell us, Maggie: Do you Yahoo? Enough to leave the cushy phone-company gig for a real challenge? The shareholders have spoken: You're one of Wall Street's favorites. A Yahoo turnaround could be the capstone of your career. Are you in it to win it — or are you just on the board to collect a $500,000-a-year check?

Yahoo adds a failure-prone board member

Owen Thomas · 07/30/07 03:39PM

The Valley's boardrooms remain far from a meritocratic ideal, remaining dominated by white males. Yahoo, accordingly, is being hailed for tapping Maggie Wilderotter as its first female board member. But Yahoo's press release glosses over a vital fact about Wilderotter: As Wink's CEO, she saw the interactive-TV software maker's shares plunge from $75 to $3, wiping out billions of dollars in market capitalization. We're not sure how that adds particularly to Yahoo's management expertise, save for giving the company a board member accustomed to hearing bad news.