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In a scene that will surely give the Lost producers too many ideas, all sixteen of the babies who played Aaron on the show's fourth season reunited in one place for a celebratory Hawaiian picnic this past weekend. Like a good episode of the adventure serial, it was packed with confusing revelations — namely, that thirteen of those boy-playing babies were actually girls! What could that possibly mean? Is Aaron a girl? A hermaphrodite? Did he/she commandeer the Black Rock and build the four-toed statue??? WAAAAALT!

"Females tend to have the rounder face and they don't age as quickly," said Julie Carlson, the "Lost" extras casting director who has rounded up a total of 76 different babies to play Aaron on the series since the show's second season. "Plus, the boys squirm more."

"Rounded up a total of 76 different babies"? This woman is clearly an Other...or is she something else entirely? Forgive the speculation, but EW's Michael Ausiello has stoked the fanboy fires by posting casting notices for two brand-new character promising to recur in Seasons 5 and 6:

First up is Caesar, a dangerous, physical and extremely intelligent male between the ages of 35 and 45. Although his intentions are unclear, this much is certain: He's as skillful at charming people as he is at killing them. He also has a dark past, but, c'mon, that much was a given. The other newbie is Ilanna, a European female in her late 20s to early 30s who possesses great intelligence, but who's also dangerous as all get out. She's alluring and apparently used to getting her own way.

Unfortunately, those characters won't be appearing until February, when Lost resumes for its fifth season. Until then, keep your elaborate theories about trans baby Aaron (does it have something to do with the mystery of Jack's chest hair?) to the message boards where they belong.