Loveable Schlub Kisses Animals, Saves Journalism

Roger Clark, the NY1 morning reporter who is perhaps the goofiest and most endearing working journalist in America, on some of his favorite recent stories here in our dark metropolis: "I did a story about a kids fishing derby in Prospect Park [Brooklyn], and I actually caught a fish, so that was exciting. A place I enjoyed when I was growing up was the New York Aquarium, and I got to go back and get kissed by a sea lion, which is something I don't get to do every day." Any promising news pitches lately, Roger? "I got one about an international yo-yo contest and that's a possibility, that's something that I may consider covering." Surely you will! After the jump is a must-see video of Roger inexplicably breaking into a James Earl Jones impression while covering a UN meeting. And yes, we fully expect this man to save journalism: