Michael Phelps Dating Pretty Much Whoever He Wants

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has, for now, made that critical flip-turn into full-blown celebritydom. That means we suddenly all officially care about who the gold-metal-dapppled 23-year-old is dating, assuming we weren't already obsessed with such questions the moment we saw his chiseled Olympic bod. The current rumors have Phelps linked with Lily Donaldson, pictured left, the 21-year-old English model who displaced Kate Moss at Burberry. They also have him snogging with Amanda Beard, pictured right, who like Phelps took home gold from the 2004 Olympics but who had less success in Beijing, failing to reach the finals. Will anyone care enough to gossip about Phelps' love life in a year? Will the 2012 London Olympic hopeful have time for a love life in a year? Doubtful on both counts, but for now at least you know who to be jealous of. [Telegraph via New York, Guanabee]