Hating Michael Phelps

That was fast! Michael Phelps was a rocking gold-medal winner, then a record-breaking champion athletic God, then the $100 million endorsement kingpin, then a celebrity sex symbol. The whole process took maybe a week. Now? He has the "general aura of doucheyness," writes Alex Blagg at Best Week Ever, citing Phelps' propensity for side-cocked baseball hats and low-slung jeans, plus that Sports Illustrated cover. Bloggers aren't the only ones slamming Phelps in public. Here's the stone-cold way fellow 2008 Olympian swimmer Amanda Beard reacted to rumors that she hooked up with him:
"Eww, that's nasty... I have never, ever hooked up with Michael Phelps," Beard said via telephone from Beijing on the "Johnjay and Rich Show," which is broadcast on Kiss FM 104.7 in Phoenix...
"Come on, I have really good taste... He's really not my type."
Right but isn't Phelps' job to win swim meets and maybe help sell some swimwear and watches on the side? And hasn't he succeeded brilliantly at that as compared to a certain Amanda Beard who dropped out after the semi-finals? God this isn't even a proper backlash.