Bill Maher Accuses Sherri Shepherd Of Beating Her Children With A Stupid Stick

While promoting his new documentary Religulous (the hit of Claremont, CA!), the politically incorrect Bill Maher sat down with TV Guide for its upcoming August 25 issue. After discussing the religion-bashing doc, talk turned to The View (because when doesn't it?), and Maher was asked for his opinion on notorious flat-earther Sherri Shepherd. His response earned him a round of playground high-fives and "oh snaps":
She’s “the one who said the Earth isn’t round? First, we know it’s round because, like Sherri Shepherd, we can see it from space,” Maher quips. “Secondly, to me this is child abuse. If you [can’t] tell your children if the Earth is flat or not … this is why this country is in such trouble. We’re bringing up ignorant children because they have ignorant parents.” On Republican candidate John McCain, he says, “I’m amused when pundits say that McCain has to pick a running mate who’s younger than he is. You think? Who’s older?!”
Try the veal! But seriously, we hope this doesn't interfere with Maher's booking chances on The View; we can't wait to see Barbara Walters hold one fluttery hand to her chest, murmuring "Oh Dear," as Shepherd and Maher get into a "yo mama" battle royale. At the very least, can we get the man a spot on Wendy Williams? [photo credit: AP]