'Hunt' Biden Is an Evil Lobbyist

There's another vivid memory I have of Hunt. It was maybe two years later. In the middle of one of our hang-around days, I put the question to him: "So, Hunter, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be important." I knew what he meant.
That's a selection from Promises to Keep, Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden's 2007 quickie "I'm running for president" memoir. Hunt, in the quote, is Hunter Biden (above, left, with brother Beau), Joe's younger son. Hunt did grow up to be important. He's a lobbyist who's now being sued for defrauding investors!
>Hunter, 38, supposedly got a job as president of a hedge fund group, because his dad didn't want him to be a Washington lobbyist anymore. Hunter did not have any experience with hedge funds. Here are some of the confusing details:
In the hedge fund business deal, Lotito and the Bidens created a company called LLB Holdings USA and together agreed to pay $21.3 million for 54 percent interest in Paradigm.
In the lawsuit, Lotito said that soon after creating LLB, the Bidens crafted a "secret deal" to create their own company that was designed to buy out his shares in Paradigm for a low rate, to which he agreed. He said he knew nothing of the secret deal until later and now believes he was defrauded out of millions of dollars and his share in the company.
In the second lawsuit against the Bidens, which was filed in June, Lotito is also named as a defendant. Stephane Farouze, now an executive with Deutsche Bank, seeks $10 million, saying the Bidens and Lotito promised to buy his shares in the hedge fund company but reneged.
But the more important bit is that supposedly Joe Biden's brother James called up Lotito back in 2006 and said the Joe Biden campaign needed to find Hunter a non-lobbying job ASAP. Hunter returned to lobbying a couple months later, and now he will lose Obama the presidency because America sure does care about this shit.